How Chonky Can Your Cat Get?

orange cat lying down with belly up

Cats have always been our feisty yet lovable cuddle darlings, and sometimes, we tend to spoil them a little, especially when it comes to food. Since most cats love to eat, many cat parents tend to go overboard and overfeed them. Worse, some cat parents overfeed their cats on purpose in order to make them chonky and cute.

Chonky cats are adorable, but overeating poses a lot of risk to their overall health. So, what is the perfect weight for a healthy cat?

Ideal Cat Weight

The perfect cat weight for many domesticated cat breeds is about 4.5KG. However, this ideal weight depends on the cat's breed and frame.

Some Siamese cats can only weigh 2.3KG and still be healthy. This is also the case for the bigger Maine Coon, which can weigh up to 11KG and be healthy.

A surefire way to determine whether your cat is at its healthiest is to consult a veterinarian. At the same time, it's easy to look for the signs of a healthy cat.

A healthy cat will still have its hourglass figure. Their bellies shouldn't be weighing down, and you should still be able to feel their ribs.

What To Do if Your Cat is Overweight?

The majority of overweight cats are indoor cats. Incorporating more activity into your cat's daily life is the best and easiest way to help your cat shed some weight. Some easy tips to keep them active include walking them around the park or buying them toys they can play with at home or installing cat trees to keep active.

Cat parents can also incorporate special weight management cat food products into their diet to achieve a healthy weight.

If the cat is older and you think that activity and feeding are not causing the weight gain, consult your veterinarian to have them rule out any medical causes.

What If Your Cat Is Underweight?

You may often see a stray or newly adopted cat that is below the healthy weight.

Veterinarians will recommend increasing the cat's food portion or opting for high-calorie cat foods to help them gain weight for short term, but remember not to go overboard with treats.

New fur parents with underweight cats should also not ignore the benefits of exercise and activities. Physical activity can help the cat gain muscles and develop an appetite. This, in turn, can help them gain weight in a healthy way.

Final Thoughts

There are many factors affect a cat's weight. These factors can include their sex, breed, and whether they are spayed or neutered. For the best, let's keep up with the cat's annual vet appointments. If your vet tells you that your cat is slightly over their weight threshold, you must be patient with your cat's weight loss progress. Losing a pound can take as long as six months to a year.

You can incorporate healthy diet, increase the amount of exercise they get, but never starve your cats! 

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