Cat Care

How Many Days Can Cats Be Left Alone at Home?

How Many Days Can Cats Be Left Alone at Home?

The holiday season often means family gatherings, travel, and a busy schedule. If you're a cat owner, the question of how many days you can safely leave your feline friend alone at home is likely on your mind. Cats are known for their independent nature, but just how independent are they? Can they truly handle being left alone for extended periods? In this blog, we'll explore the considerations you need to take into account when leaving your cat alone during the holidays and provide some tips for ensuring they stay safe, healthy, and happy in your absence. Understanding Your Cat’s...

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Why Do Cats Get Asthma?

Why Do Cats Get Asthma?

Why Do Cats Get Asthma? A Cat Owner’s Perspective As a devoted cat owner, understanding your feline friend’s health is essential, especially when it comes to managing conditions like asthma. While it can sound concerning, the great news is that most cats with asthma can still lead happy, comfortable lives with the right care and attention. If you’ve noticed your cat wheezing or coughing more than usual, it could be a sign of asthma. Let’s dive into why cats get asthma and how to manage it—especially as the cold weather sets in! What Is Cat Asthma? Cat asthma is a...

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Why Does My Cat Cough?

Why Does My Cat Cough?

Did you know that a cat's cough is different from ours and can sometimes resemble asthma? Hearing your cat cough occasionally can be a bit concerning, but the good news is that most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about. Cats, like us, sometimes experience minor health issues, and coughing is one way they communicate something might be off. In this blog post, we’ll explore some common reasons why cats cough, how you can identify the cause, and when it's a good idea to visit the vet.  1. Hairballs One of the most common reasons cats cough is to...

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What Are the Benefits of Joining a Cat Competition?

What Are the Benefits of Joining a Cat Competition?

A big congratulations to Baby, a nine-year-old stray cat from Malaysia, who won the 2024 World Championship at the International Cat Show in Oslo, Norway! Baby was crowned champion by The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) for her stunning beauty and gentle demeanor, outshining thousands of other cats in the competition. What an incredible achievement for this special feline! If you’re a cat lover, you may have considered entering your feline companion into a cat competition. Whether you’re participating in a show for fun, pride, or as a way to bond with your pet, there are a variety of benefits for...

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What Happens to Unsold Cats?

What Happens to Unsold Cats?

When you visit a pet shop, you're often faced with the cuteness of kittens, ready to be adopted into loving homes. But what happens to those cats that don't get sold? The reality can be a bit more complicated than many people realize. Whether they’re older cats, less "marketable" kittens, or simply those who haven't found their perfect match, the fate of unsold cats varies widely depending on the policies of the pet shop or breeder and the availability of alternative options. In this blog, we'll explore what happens to these unsold cats and the ethical considerations surrounding their treatment....

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