Do Male or Female Cats Make Better Pets?

Do male or female cats make better pets?

Should pet owners show a preference for male or female cats? Future cat owners may wonder if one is better than the other, especially when it comes to behavior and personality.

Is this a good basis for choosing the ideal cat for your home? Let's read on...

Female or Male Cats: Is There a Difference?

Aside from the ability to bear kittens and other biological differences, are they truly that different? Let’s look at some of the contrasts between male and female cats. 

Small vs. Large

Male cats are typically much larger than females.

Fact: It's true. Depending on the breed and sex, full-grown cats can weigh anywhere from 2 to 10kgs. Maine Coon cats are large and can weigh up to 10kg in males and 8kg in females. 

Spray vs. Non spray

Male cats tend to "spray" to mark their territory and female cats are far less likely to spray.

Fact: Unlike dogs, spraying is not limited to any one cat; both unneutered male and female cats spray at times to mark territory especially when you have multi cats household. You shouldn't have to worry about them spraying once they've been neutered and spayed.

Confrontational vs. Calm

Male cats are said to be more aggressive. They will often be involved in a tussle with the other wild toms. Female cats are said to be gentler and are less confrontational.

Fact: There's some truth to this, especially if your tom is not yet neutered. Since they are highly territorial, another cat wandering in will lead to a fight. However, both can be aggressive under the right conditions.

Females can also be wild when they need to defend themselves, their territory, or their offspring. You don’t want to mess with a momma cat! There is no calming a furiously sputtering cat – male or female. Cats are naturally gentle animals and we think cats are the world's natural Zen masters.

Homebody vs. Adventurer

They say that male cats always go far while female cats prefer to be home.

Fact: So long as your cat has not been neutered or spayed, it will wander in search of a mate. Both males and females can be away and far from home for days at a time as they look for a partner. Once your cat gets neutered or spayed, his/her urge to amble will be down to zero. 

Aloof vs. Affectionate

Some claim that male cats are more affectionate and vocal about their feelings. In contrast, females are said to be more aloof and prefer other cats to humans.

Fact: This behavior can be more attributed to your cat's personality and experiences. Some would rather initiate cuddling and petting, while others would allow their humans to love them when they want to. If they are comfortable with socialization from an early age, they will be confident and happy with you and all the other pets or human in your home.

The Verdict: It Doesn’t Matter

There are no proven personality differences between male and female cats. What then can affect variances in personality?

  • Ask if the cat has been neutered or spayed. As mentioned above, this procedure reduces aggression in cats.
  • Genetics is also a factor, as the parents’ personality has an impact on their kittens’ behavior.
  • The environment plays an even more significant role in influencing temperament. Some cats may have experienced abuse or abandonment, which can lead to trust issues.
  • Activity level is an important factor to consider when selecting your next feline family member; different breeds will have varying levels of activity. If you have children or are looking for a "lap cat," consider a breed known for its quiet demeanor. When adopting a cat from a shelter or previous owner, inquire about temperament and activity level to ensure a good fit for you. 

Each feline furball is unique. Gender alone is not a firm basis to identify which would make a better pet. It should not be the deciding factor when you are choosing that purrfect feline. We believe all cats are equal in providing love to you.


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