Finding cat pee everywhere can be tiring and frustrating especially if you are the only one available to clean it up. You are confident that the cat toilet training is successful, but for some reason, your cat declines to use the litter box and you end up finding wet spots and stinky little puddles everywhere.

Despite what a lot of people say, cats are not spiteful, spoiled animals that do whatever they want. Well, maybe they do a little, but your cat peeing on your carpets and walls and just doing its business everywhere but in the litter box might be more severe than just signs of it being spoilt. It might be a cry for help or some telltale clues for you to figure out why your cat won’t use the litter box.
Before you figure out how to stop a cat from peeing everywhere you need to understand the why.
Why is My Cat Peeing Everywhere?
Yes, finding a solution for your cat is essential. But, before you can correct the litter box problem, you have to drill down to what's causing the problem, and it can be attributed to two reasons: behavioral or medical.
If you see more and more of this litter box indifference from your cat, the best approach would be to check with your veterinarian. Your vet will conduct a physical exam, run tests, and get a urine sample. Based on the results, a treatment will be provided if the issue is medically related.
Arthritis, bladder stones, Idiopathic cystitis, diabetes, thyroid issues, liver disease, and urinary tract infection are common reasons if your cat peeing outside the litter box is something that has started lately and the vet may advise treatment that includes taking in antibiotics and following a special diet.
However, in the absence of medical issues, your cat’s reluctance to use the litter box even though you have trained the cat to use the toilet, can be attributed to behavioral factors like:
Litter Box Unhappiness – cats are particularly keen on their hygiene, including their toilet. If they don’t like their litter box, they’ll stay away from it and never use it. It may be too dirty or too clean or the size too small for them to get comfy. The litter box might be set in a place your cat doesn’t like. The strong smell of the litter or even its texture against your cat’s paws can cause it to lose interest and find somewhere else to pee. Or maybe your cat just needs one more because it doesn’t like to mix pee with poo. Yes, cats and litter boxes are a huge deal!
Blame it on stress – this might be your cat’s way of telling you that it is stressed or bored. It might be stressed with everything that’s going around or it also needs activities that it can spend its time on. You can indulge your cat with a new toy.
Additionally, a change in routine may also be a factor to consider. Nowadays, pet parents are always home because of the new work from home set-up. As much as your cat loves you, it might be stressed with too much cuddling and attention that you are giving it. Give your cat some quiet space. Let your fur baby breathe and try to put their litter box in a secluded and quieter area to allow them to do their business in peace.
The lack of security and assurance – when was the last time you cuddled and bonded with your cat? They might need a little reassuring from their humans about their place in the house.
Have you played with them lately? If they feel out of place and not part of the family, your cat won't use the litter box as a way to get your attention. So when a new baby arrives or another pet joins the family, introduce the change in family dynamics to your cat. It may come as a shock to it especially if your cat is used to having the run of the whole home territory. This in turn may lead to the rebellious streak of peeing anywhere but in the litter box. Sharing is not one of the biggest strengths of pampered felines. Allow your cat to adjust while providing assurance that he or she will always have a unique place in the family.
How to Potty Train a Cat
- The best way to train cat to use toilet is by incorporating changes one at a time.
- Make the litter box as clean as possible.
- Get the largest litter box and keep it uncovered.
- Place the litter box in a ‘private’ area and not near where your cat drinks or eats.
- If you have an older cat, the litter box should be easily accessible.
- Experiment with cat litter. You can try the organic, natural litter until you settle with one that your cat likes.
- If you can, always have two litter boxes for a single cat—some cats like one box for poo and one for pee.
You may also check out our FULL GUIDE with videos and techniques on how to potty train a cat the most efficient way!