Neutered and Spayed Cats Aftercare

Neutered long-haired calico cat recovering in a pink carrier bag

As a feline parent, getting your cat neutered or spayed is a smart move. This procedure has medical and behavioral advantages for your pets and, in the long run, a cost-effective gain for you too. 

The cost to neuter or spay a cat is a fraction of the possible expenses of caring for a new cat. 

What is the differences between neutering and spaying? 

A female cat spayed means that her uterus and ovaries were removed. Female cat spaying lowers the risk of developing cancerous mammary gland tumors, a leading cause of cat deaths. 

In contrast, a neutered male cat would be a cat without his testicles. Male cats, after neutering, are less likely to stray away from home too. Male cat spay also reduces aggression and competition against other male cats.

Here are some more surgery aftercare so your cat is back on its feet ASAP:

Where to place your cat?

Expect your cat to be a little nauseous for the next 24-48 hours and needs rest. A quiet, semi-dark, and isolated place sans disturbances will be ideal. Make sure, though, that you can still observe how your cat is doing. 

Cat Tip #1: A recovery area with low lights is best since a protective ointment is applied to your cat’s eyes during the operation to avoid it from drying out. After the cat sterilization procedure, topical medicine can also cause your spayed cat to have blurry vision and sensitivity to light. 

What about food and water? 

Your cat needs plenty of rest. Prevent it from exerting too much physically. It shouldn’t be climbing cabinets and stairs, jumping on couches and counters. In short, their needs should be met without them exerting too much effort. This includes making their water and food bowls easily accessible. 

Cat Tip #2: Once home, food and water proportions should be lesser than normal. Watch out for any signs of vomiting. You can resume the usual food and water serving 24 hours after the surgery. Also watch out for any changes in your cat’s potty routine.

Opt for natural dust-free and non scented cat litter 

A fresh sparkling clean litter box is the need of the hour for a recuperating cat and a thoughtful after spay care cat gesture. Kindly place it where it will be more accessible. You might need a safe cat litter for the first week following the surgery. 

Typical litter has dust or dirt on it, and it can infect and get into your cat’s surgical wound. Natural cat litter without the dust and non scented will be the best option, we strongly recommend Pottycats Natural Cat Litter in Original for a hassle-free cleaning with a peace of mind that your cat can heal safely.

Best natural cat litter for after neutered and spayed cats

So, what's next? 

Cat Tip #3: With the right medication, adequate rest, and a great deal of TLC, your purring friend will be back to its usual self before you know it!

Even after your cat has fully recovered, it is recommended to switch to natural cat litter for long term health. Cats can be picky when it comes to cat litter and switching too often may not be a good choice which may induce stress and litter box accidents. 

It is highly recommended that you spay your cats between 4-6 months old. If you are planning on getting your cat neutered or spayed, check with your local animal clinics. You can also search for ‘cat neutering near me’ or ‘cat spay near me’ to find a vet clinic near you.

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