Cat Care
How to Care for Senior Cats

As your cat becomes older, you have to modify how you care for and deal with your aging feline. All cats deserve the best care possible, but senior cats need a little more of it because of their age and any health issues they may have. As your cat gets older, expect a different set of health requirements that you’ll need to consider and adjust to. How Old is a Senior Cat? An aging or older cat is often classified as a senior feline. A cat that is 11 to 14 years old has reached its senior years. Previously, felines...
What age is my cat?

Trying to determine a cat's age is one of the most difficult tasks, especially when they are adopted or rescued and appear adorable while not displaying ageing flaws like humans. Mr. Miyagi's true age was unknown to both foster parents and us when we adopted him. Of course, you can consult a veterinarian to help you determine your cat's age, but here are some quick tips for you. Size Size will be the most obvious indicator of your cat's age, whether it's a kitten, a young cat, or an adult cat. A cat living indoors has a life expectancy of about 17...
Cat FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) What is it?

You may come across this disease name and people looking for donations to help their cats survive FIP. This is a serious disease called feline infectious peritonitis or FIP has been known to affect cats. Empower yourself by learning about this disease and see what you can do to protect your cat from the infection. Causes FIP is a viral disease triggered by the feline coronavirus (FCoV), an entirely different sickness from the coronavirus (Covid-19) that many people have been infected with. FIP is extremely common in cats, especially in large groups of cats. FIP is usually contracted through infected feces,...
How to welcome your new cat?

Spending time with your new cat is a great way to establish a trustworthy relationship. However, it will take weeks, if not months, to establish a good relationship with your cat, particularly if you are a new cat owner spending your first alone time with your new furball. How do you welcome your cat when you have zero experience? What can you do to make the first few encounters enjoyable for you and your cat. Here are 5 practical and handy tips: #1. Don’t Push It Professional cat behaviorist will always tell you not to force your presence on a...
Does your cat require grooming?

A common misconception is that cats groom themselves, but this isn't true. Cats lick themselves to keep their fur clean and healthy, but they don't actually brush their fur like humans do with shampoo or conditioner. So it's up to us humans to take care of our cat grooming needs. Grooming is important for all cats: it is crucial to maintain their hygiene and remove any parasites and excess fur. But how often should you groom your cat? It really depends on the type of coat your cat has, as well as their lifestyle. Cats with short coats require less...