Cat Care
How to Know if Your Cat is Happy

Cat owners would agree that cats have a mind of their own. They are known to do things on their own terms. It is funny and even exasperating because one minute, they are purring and happily rubbing up against your leg, and in a matter of seconds, they won't come out of their hiding spot despite being coaxed. They also love a good rub and a loving snuggle but again, only on their terms and not when you’re in the mood for it. Their independence to do what they want, when they want can be both frustrating and endearing. It...
Cat Toys For Your Cat To Actually Play

Cats have this reputation of being spoiled and lazy. They also tend to give you a lot of attitudes because they do things on their own terms. Letting your cat sulk, sleep, and gain weight says a lot about you as a pet owner. You have to keep them active even while indoors. You have to encourage your feline buddies to exercise even if they are mostly staying inside your home. You don't want your cat to be added to the obese list. The best way to exercise your cats while staying home is by playing. Make it more fun...
Is Homemade Cat Food the Best Option for Your Cat?

Dry cat food and canned cat food has become a go-to, especially for on-the-go feline parents. Some cat parents are guilty of scooping a cup of that dry cat food simply because it is a quick and convenient option. With this in mind, a lot of cat parents are considering healthier option by switching to homemade cat food or a raw diet. Many of you may think that a shift to DIY cat food is simple. After all, procuring the raw ingredients shouldn't be that hard, and the internet is full of homemade cat food recipes. You may be in for a...
How Cats Can Help With Mental Health

For people who have cats, you will know that the mere purr, the whiskers, the meows, the cute fuzzy faces, and the insistent head nudges can make you smile despite what you’re going through. To those folks going through some rough patches especially during lockdowns due to the pandemic, consider sheltering and adopting a cat. This may come as a surprise, but they are the best antidepressants you can have for healthier mental health. The Woolliest and Sometimes Spoiled Stress Relievers Cats have a unique appeal. The way they purr, crave cuddles, and want to be spoiled can be a...
How to Decide Between Purebred or Mixed Breed Cats?

Deciding what type of cat to get home can still be overwhelming because there are many factors that you need to consider. One of these would be whether you want a pure breed feline or a mixed breed. Read on to understand how one is different from the other. The Pure Breed Cat Also known as the pedigree cat, these felines represent a small percentage of the cat population. Pedigree is referred to the record of your cat's ancestry and parentage. These cats are bred to conform to specific criteria or breed standards approved by an organization that certifies cat...